Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Overseas Student Scholarship, University of Abertay Dundee, UK

Overseas Student Scholarship Scheme
Academic Year 2012-2013
University of Abertay Dundee
The Overseas Student Scholarship Fund is open to students living outside the European Union and the European Free Trade Area, who are liable to pay overseas tuition fees and whom the University of Abertay Dundee believes would bring to the University additional personal and academic qualities. The Fund will support individual scholarships based on academic merit, and/or personal achievement in either sports or music. They will be available for students enrolling for study at Abertay in September 2012.
The value of each scholarship award will be directly related to the quality of the individual applicant’s academic merit and/or his or her personal achievements in sport or music.
The value of the award to individuals may therefore vary, but would not exceed the value of the tuition fee, and be subject to the amount of the total Scholarship Fund remaining when the application is considered.
Deadline for Applications
The University has set 31st January 2012 as the deadline for applications for the first round of awards. Two further rounds of applications for the academic year 2012/13 will be invited with deadlines of the 30th April and 31st July 2012.
Students applying for one or more full years of study at the University of Abertay Dundee, at either undergraduate or postgraduate level, will be eligible to apply for a scholarship.
Undergraduate students who are granted a place on a University of Abertay Dundee full-time degree course and are awarded a scholarship will benefit from the scholarship funding each year, for up to four years depending on the length of their course1. For taught postgraduate degrees, successful applicants will enjoy scholarship funding for the duration of their course (normally between 12 and 18 months).
The Academic Merit Scholarships will be available to those with outstanding academic merit, based on their proven academic record at school and/or college and/or university at the point of application.
The Personal Achievement Scholarships will be available to those applicants whose personal achievements in sport or music demonstrate a commitment and determination to excel in other aspects of life.
The Personal Achievement Scholarships are not being presented as Sports Scholarships or Music Scholarships in the conventional sense. They are however designed to reward those who can demonstrate their achievements to date in their chosen musical or sporting field. The University of Abertay Dundee has a strong record of individual and institutional achievement in both areas. It has run a highly successful Elite Athletes programme for many years, supporting individual sports men and women who are competing at national or international level, and who have also represented the University in their sport. Among Abertay’s sporting alumni are: a women’s tae kwon do world champion, a European amateur golf champion, and international competitors for Scotland and or the UK in rugby union, judo, athletics, figure-skating, hockey, gymnastics, soccer, and waterpolo. In music, Abertay is one of only a handful of universities in the UK to have its own pipe band, linked to a thriving University traditional music club.
Among the sporting scholarships will be: 11 Cricketing Excellence Scholarships, 8 Golf Handicap Scholarships, 11 Football Scholarship, 15 Rugby Union Scholarship, 5 Basketball Star Player Scholarship. Other sporting scholarships are available for Volley Ball, Hockey, Badminton, Ladies Netball, Boxing, and Snow Sports.
Applicants will be asked to justify their applications through, for example, membership of their relevant regional or national sporting teams or demonstrable excellence at club level.
Among the available music scholarships will be: 2 Piano Solo Performance Scholarships, 2 Piano Ensemble Scholarships, 4 Digital Keyboard Performance Scholarship, 2 Guitar Solo Performance Scholarships, 2 Guitar Ensemble Performance Scholarship as well as scholarships for all sections of orchestral performance, as well as traditional musical instruments (non-western) and traditional western musical instruments (e.g. Fiddle, Bagpipes). Applicants will be expected to demonstrate their achievements through certified performance skills in their chosen musical form.
Guidance Notes
Eligibility: You can only apply for a scholarship if you have submitted an application for a place on a degree or postgraduate programme at Abertay.
Level of musical/sporting achievement required
We would expect that you will be able to submit evidence of having achieved an advanced level by a recognised body in the musical or sporting world.
Music: Evidence of successful examination performance (e.g. Associated Board Examinations or equivalent) and/or selection to play in a regional or national orchestra or other major successful musical group.
Sport: Evidence of selection to a regional or national team or recognised qualifications from an approved sporting body / association. Applicants for golf should submit evidence of their handicap.
Scholarship Offers
Scholarships will only be paid if you successfully meet any conditions of the offer made and will be deducted from the overall fee payable. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover remaining costs.
Deferring Entry
It is not possible to defer a scholarship to start in another academic year. You would need to reapply.
Multiple scholarships
You can apply for any, or all of the academic merit, sport or music awards but it will not be possible to qualify for more than one of our scholarships or other fee reductions.
Scholarship Recommendation Pro-Forma
This should be a short letter on headed paper from your School, College, University, or relevant Music/Sport Institution stating the following:
  • This is to confirm that (Name of Institution) supports the application of (name of student) for a scholarship on the grounds of outstanding musical excellence/sporting excellence in the area of (e.g. violin/cricket)
  • Position of staff member
  • Name
  • Signature and date
Application submission
Applications for scholarships must be completed in full and all required documents must be submitted with the completed scholarship application form. If you do not provide all of the information and documentation requested, your application will not be considered.
If possible applications should be scanned and submitted electronically as attachments. They should be sent to sro@abertay.ac.uk with the subject heading Scholarship Application.
Alternatively they can be mailed (please send copies not originals) to arrive by the closing date to:
Scholarships Student Recruitment Office
University of Abertay Dundee,
Bell Street
United Kingdom
Scholarship deadline
The scholarship committee will meet on 3 occasions and the relevant deadlines are:
  1. 31st January 2012
  2. 30th April 2012
  3. 31st July 2012
Applicants will be notified whether they have been successful within 4 weeks of the relevant closing date.
Terms and Conditions
  1. Candidates must complete the relevant application form (where appropriate) and supply supporting documentation by the relevant deadline for awards. We regret that applications and associated documentation received after the deadline cannot be considered.
  2. Awards are only available to candidates eligible to pay full-time overseas tuition fees.
  3. Applicants must be available to take up their place on the course in September 2012. Overseas Scholarship awards cannot be deferred. Applicants who are unable to commence study at that time must re-apply for consideration under future Overseas Scholarship arrangements.
  4. Once an award has been made, applicants must confirm their acceptance of the Scholarship within two weeks of notification. Failure to do so will result in the award being withdrawn and offered to another applicant.
  5. Scholarships are awarded as a reduction in the total tuition fee payable; it is not a cash award.
  6. Scholarships cannot be used as a method of paying the University’s tuition fee prepayment requirement.
  7. Sponsored students (defined as government/company) are eligible to apply. As the scholarship is discounted from the overall tuition fee paid; it is therefore a reduction in the fees for the official sponsor.
  8. Applicants can apply for multiple scholarships, but students may only be awarded one University of Abertay Dundee Scholarship i.e. applicants cannot receive multiple awards.
  9. Students coming through one of our partner institutions can make an application to be considered for Scholarships, but can only receive either the partner discount or the Scholarship.
  10. The Scholarship is of fixed value, does not increase with inflation and is awarded for the full length of the course but is not payable for repeat years of study.
  11. All students who are awarded a scholarship agree to allow the Student Recruitment Office to share their data with other departments/services within the University.
  12. The University reserves the right to use information collected from students who are awarded a scholarship in our promotional activities, for example by featuring profile/story/details of award holders in the University’s student recruitment activities; however, we will not give out your personal information without your permission, via a request from us.
  13. The University’s decision on the equivalence and eligibility of your qualifications is final.
  14. The University’s decision on awards is final.
  15. The University reserves the right to amend, discontinue or withdraw the Overseas Scholarships scheme at any time without prior notice.
For more information, please visit official website: www.abertay.ac.uk

Beasiswa S1, Eka Tjipta Foundation, Indonesia

Program Beasiswa S1 Eka Tjipta Foundation adalah beasiswa yang diberikan bagi mahasiswa baru strata 1 (S1) dalam negeri yang mempunyai prestasi akademis yang baik tetapi mempunyai keterbatasan finansial untuk tahun 2010.
Persyaratan Calon Penerima Beasiswa
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia.
  2. Usia tidak lebih dari 20 tahun pada bulan Juli 2010.
  3. Memiliki nilai akademik rata-rata 7,00 selama SMA (semester 1 s/d 6).
  4. Pada saat pengajuan lamaran beasiswa, tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari organisasi/institusi manapun.
  5. Dinyatakan lulus sebagai siswa SMA atau setara yang dibuktikan dengan ijasah atau Surat Pernyataan Bukti Kelulusan dari sekolah.
  6. Atau terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa tingkat I pada salah satu perguruan tinggi yang menjadi mitra ETF untuk program Beasiswa S1.
Cakupan Beasiswa
  1. Biaya pendaftaran ke perguruan tinggi dimana pendaftar telah diterima.
  2. Biaya kuliah, tergantung dengan perguruan tinggi yang dipilih.
  3. Uang saku, untuk mendukung biaya hidup selama masa kuliah.
  4. Tunjangan lain untuk kelancaran studi.
Sekilas Informasi Program Beasiswa S1
Apa saja yang menjadi cakupan Program Beasiswa S1?
  1. Biaya kuliah S1 di berbagai jurusan di perguruan tinggi negeri dan luar negeri yang menjadi mitra Eka Tjipta Foundation.
  2. Tunjangan biaya hidup per bulan.
  3. Tunjangan untuk mendukung kelancaran studi.
Apakah program Beasiswa S1 mempunyai ikatan kerja?
  1. Ikatan kerja yang diberlakukan adalah ikatan kerja untuk bekerja di Indonesia minimal selama lima (5) tahun sejak menyelesaikan studi.
Siapa saja yang boleh mendaftar?
  1. Lulusan SMA atau setara yang telah lulus seleksi di 10 perguruan tinggi negeri mitra rujukan program Beasiswa S1 dan memiliki prestasi akademik dan non-akademik.
  2. Atau mahasiswa S1 semester pertama di 10 perguruan tinggi negeri mitra program Beasiswa S1 yang berprestasi akademik dan non akademik.
Berapa lama beasiswa program Beasiswa S1 diberikan?
  1. Beasiswa program Beasiswa S1 paling lama diberikan selama delapan (8) semester.
  2. Selama mengikuti program Beasiswa S1, minimum IPK yang harus dicapai di akhir semester genap adalah 3.0 dari skala 4.0.
Mengapa peserta program Beasiswa S1 diwajibkan untuk membayar iuran paguyuban?
Keberhasilan dan keberlanjutan program beasiswa termasuk program Beasiswa S1 memerlukan keterlibatan aktif para penerima beasiswa dalam mengumpulkan dana bagi pemberian beasiswa atau program terkait lainnya bagi adik-adik kelasnya yang memiliki keterbatasan finansial.
Mitra Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Program Beasiswa S1
  1. Universitas Indonesia
  2. Universitas Gajah Mada
  3. Universitas Padjadjaran
  4. Universitas Airlangga
  5. Universitas Brawijaya
  6. Universitas Diponegoro
  7. Universitas Sumatera Utara
  8. Institut Pertanian Bogor
  9. Institut Teknologi Bandung
  10. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
Prosedur Pendaftaran:
  1. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang bisa di download disini
  2. Formulir dikirim bersama dengan dokumen pendukung, yaitu:
    • Data Akademis (Ijazah/Transkrip/Rapor SMA)
    • Data Kondisi Ekonomi Keluarga (Surat keterangan Penghasilan Orangtua dan rekening listrik 3 bulan terakhir)
    • Data prestasi yang diraih (piagam penghargaan)
Formulir pendaftaran dan Dokumen pendukung dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 11 Oktober 2010 ke alamat:
Eka Tjipta Foundation
Plaza BII Tower II Lantai 33
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 51
Jakarta 10350
up: Ibu Monika

Beasiswa YPKAAR – Institut Teknologi 10 Nopember

Semakin banyak kemudahan dalam mencari ilmu, kali ini saya akan berbagi info tentang Beasiswa di Institut Teknologi 10 November, dimana mereka memberikan kesempatan bagi mawasiswa yang memenuhi persyaratan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa pendidikan di IT 10 November. berikut persayratannya..


  1. Mahasiswa/i berkembangsaan Indonesia
  2. Bidang / Jurusan S1 : Teknik, MIPA
  3. Minimum Semester III atau tahun ajaran kedua
  4. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) : 2.95
  5. Prioritas beasiswa akan diberikan kepada peserta yang telah menerima Beasiswa tahun ajaran sebelumnya
  6. Dari keluarga berpenghasilan marginal, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Penghasilan Orang Tua, dan / atau Surat Keterangan dari Kelurahan
  7. Tidak atau sedang menerima Beasiswa dari Lembaga atau Instansi lain
  8. Mengisi Formulir Permohonan Beasiswa YPKAAR dan diserahkan kepada Kasubbag Kemahasiswaan di jurusan masing-masing selambat-lambatnya 31 Mei 2012
Beasiswa ditetapkan sebesar Rp. 325.000,- (tiga ratus dua puluh lima ribu rupiah) per bulan terhitung mulai bulan Agustus 2012 s.d. Juli 2012 dan diberikan secara langsung tiap 3 (tiga) bulan/triwulan di muka dan akan dikirik melalui Perguruan Tinggi masing-masing Kelanjutan pemberian beasiswa bergantung pada Prestasi Mahasiswa di semester yang sedang berjalan dan Keputusan Penilaian Team YPKAAR
  1. Memberikan copy Indeks Prestasi setiap semester kepada Bagian Kemahasiswaan untuk dikirim ke sekretariat YPKAAR secara kolektif
  2. Membuat Tanda Terima Terima yang telah disediakan dimasing-masing perguruan Tinggi/Akademik untuk dikirimkan ke Sekretariat YPKAAR secara kolektif. Tidak adanya tanda terima dari penerima Beasiswa berakibat terputusnya pemberian Beasiswa untuk tahap berikutnya.
For more information, please visit official website: www.kemahasiswaan.its.ac.id

Beasiswa D2, D3, dan S1 ke Jepang 2013/2014

Akhirnya beasiswa D2, D3, dan S1 untuk tahun ajaran 2013/2014 kembali dibuka juga. Akhir-akhir ini, kita paling sering mendapat pertanyaan seputar beasiswa ke Jepang ini, apakah tahun ini kembali dibuka, apakah rutin diadakan setiap tahunnya, dll.

Sempat bikin kita ketar-ketir juga, soalnya tanggal pembukaan beasiswa ini sedikit mundur dari tahun kemarin. Padahal program yang rutin diadakan oleh Pemerintah Jepang setiap tahunnya ini merupakan beasiswa favorit teman-teman, terlihat dari banyaknya jumlah pertanyaan setiap kali ada informasi seputar beasiswa ini

Persyaratan Umum
  • Lahir antara 2 April 1991 dan 1 April 1996
  • Lulus SMA dengan nilai rata-rata ijazah atau rapor kelas 3 semester terakhir minimal:
    • 8,4 untuk jenjang S1
    • 8,2 untuk jenjang D3
    • 8,0 untuk jenjang D2
Program Studi Pilihan
  • D2 mana masa belajar adalah 2 tahun (termasuk belajar bahasa Jepang selama 1 tahun).
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Wireless Communication; Computer; Information Processing; Nourishment; Cooking; Nursery Teacher Training; Nursing Welfare; Social Welfare; Management; Travel; Bussiness; Harmony Dressmaking; Music; Art; Design; Photograph; dll
  • D3 di mana masa belajar adalah 4 tahun (termasuk belajar bahasa Jepang selama 1 tahun).
  • Kimia : Jurusan yang terkait pada bidang kimia seperti “Materials Engineering” dll. Fisika : Jurusan lain seperti “Mechanical Engineering”, “Electrical and Electronic Engineering”, “Information, Communication, and Network Engineering”, “Architecture and Civil Engineering”, Maritime Engineering” dll.
  • S1 di mana masa belajar adalah 5 tahun (termasuk belajar bahasa Jepang selama 1 tahun). Khusus untuk jurusan kedokteran umum, gigi, hewan, dan farmasi masa studi bisa mencapai 7 tahun
  • IPS : Laws, Politics, Pedagogy, Sociology, Literature, History, Japanese language, Economics, Business Administration, and others. IPA-a : Science (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry); Electric and Electronic Studies (Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering); Mechanical Studies (Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture); Civil Engineering and Architecture (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering); Chemical Studies (Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Textile Engineering); and other fields (Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Maritime Engineering, Biotechnology) IPA-b : Agricultural Studies (Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Engineering, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, Forestry, Food Science, Fisheries); Hygienic Studies (Pharmacy, Hygienics, Nursing); Science (Biology) IPA-c : Medicine; Dentistry

Beasiswa Djarum Plus 2012/2013

Buat teman-teman yang lagi kuliah S1, kali ini kita bawa berita baik buat kamu. Djarum Beasiswa Plus ini khusus buat teman-teman yang lagi kuliah S1 semester 4. Sebagai tambahan berita baiknya, Djarum bekerja sama dengan banyak 84 Perguruan Tinggi, baik negeri maupun swasta di seluruh Indonesia.
Bagi teman-teman yang berhasil menerima beasiswa ini, akan menerima beasiswa sebesar Rp 750.000,- per bulan untuk periode 1 September 2012 – 31 Agustus 2013. Lumayan banget kan?

Nggak cuma itu, penerima beasiswa juga akan menerima pelatihan soft skills yang berguna banget buat teman-teman, khususnya sebagai kerja untuk memasuki dunia kerja kelak, seperti Nation Building, Character Building, Leadership Development, Competition Challenges, International Exposure dan Community Empowerment. Dalam kehidupan nyata, hal-hal ini sama pentingnya, malah kadang lebih penting, dibanding nilai kuliah

Karena itu, tidak heran jika seleksinya pun ketat, baik syarat IQ dan EQ sehinga tidak hanya pintar dalam teori tapi juga mempunyai emosi yang baik untuk mendukung teman-teman dalam mencapai prestasi.
Persyaratan Umum
  • Merupakan mahasiswa aktif semester IV dari semua program studi di universitas tertera pada daftar. Untuk daftar universitas yang bekerja sama, kamu bisa lihat di sini.
  • IPK semester 3 minimal 3.00
  • Wajib mempertahankan IPK minimal 3.00 hingga akhir semester 4 (semester yang sedang berjalan)
  • Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi di dalam dan luar kampus
  • Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.

    Prosedur Pendaftaran
  • Mengisi Form Pendaftaran yang bisa kamu minta di Bagian Kemahasiswaan kampus, atau dapat didownload di sini.
  • Fotokopi KHS (Kartu Hasil Studi) semester 3
  • Fotokopi  sertifikat kegiatan organisasi atau surat keterangan terlibat dalam organisasi tertentu
  • Surat keterangan dari kampus bahwa kamu tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
  • 1 foto 4×6 memakai jas almamater.
Tahapan Seleksi Djarum Beasiswa Plus
  • 1 April – 31 Mei 2012       : Pendaftaran
  • 1 Juni – 18 Juli 2012          : Seleksi. Bagi yang lolos seleksi dokumen, akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti wawancara dan Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA)
  • 21 – 30 Agustus 2012      : Verifikasi bahwa kandidat yang lolos tes seleksi dapat mempertahankan IPK minimal 3.00 hingga akhir semester 4.
  • 31 Agustus 2012                : Pengumuman
Yuk daftar Djarum Beasiswa Plus sekarang juga, apalagi hari ini libur, kesempatan buat ngumpulin dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan

Terima kasih buat Djarum super yang membantu pendidikan anak-anak bangsa ini, buruan daftar dan dapatkan kesempatan bantuan beasiswa dari Djarum..